Canada's NDP


September 17th, 2024

NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo calls on government to lift people with disabilities out of poverty

OTTAWA — On Tuesday, NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo (Port Moody-Coquitlam) grilled the Justin Trudeau for caving to the demands of rich CEOs, while he fails to meet human rights obligations for Canadians with disabilities according to a recent report.

Earlier this year, the Liberals decided that $200 a month, about $6-a-day, was enough to lift people with disabilities our of poverty. This goes against the advice of the disability community, the Liberals’ own national advisory council, and countless other advocates.

Here is MP Zarrillo’s question:

“$200 a month is not enough to live on. Yet that’s what the Prime Minister has decided is enough for people with disabilities.

While he caves to rich CEOs he fails to protect the human rights of Canadians.

And then there’s the Conservatives who always cut the supports people need.

Both the Liberals and Conservatives care more about their rich corporate donors, more than they do about Canadians.

When will the Liberals get real and increase the Canada Disability Benefit and respect Canadians with disabilities?”

Watch MP Zarrillo call out the Liberal government for their inadequate Canada Disability Benefit here.