Canada's NDP


April 16th, 2024

NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo delivers affordability and housing solutions in the federal budget, but says Liberals still protecting rich CEOs

April 16, 2022

COQUITLAM — On Tuesday, local NDP MP and the NDP’s Disability and Inclusion critic Bonita Zarrillo welcomed measures in the federal budget to make life more affordable for British Columbians but expressed her disappointment with the Liberals for still handing out billions to CEOs at the expense of Canadians.

“Times are tough for people in Port Moody—Coquitlam. The cost of essentials like food and rent keeps rising, all while CEOs rake in more money than ever before,” said Zarrillo. ”Right now, the government should be doing more, not less, so I’m happy that my NDP colleagues and I were able to push for real solutions to build more affordable homes and to put more money in people’s pockets.”

In this budget, MP Zarrillo and New Democrats delivered: free birth control for 9 million Canadians and diabetes medication for 3.7 million Canadians; a national program providing free meals at school so all children can focus and learn, and parents get a break; protection for renters from losing their affordable homes to speculators; investments to make non-profit and quality childcare more accessible; funding to create a Red Dress Alert, to address the legacy of residential schools and to fight against residential school denialism; help for younger Canadians to access the mental health care they need with a new Youth Mental Health Fund; and support for communities with the doubling of the Volunteer Firefighters Tax Credit and the Search and Rescue Volunteers Tax Credit.

“Despite these measures to help people, I know and felt the disappointment of many when the Liberals failed to live up to their promises for people living with disabilities . After pushing hard with my NDP colleagues and with the support of Canadians across the country, people living with disabilities will finally get some of the support promised but it’s nowhere near enough. More could have been done to uplift people living with a disability out of poverty—the NDP will keep fighting to deliver the help people with disability need to make ends meet.”

MP Zarrillo has also fought to secure funding for the Canada Disability Benefit in the federal budget after bringing forward a motion to bring the benefit forward in 2022. But after agreeing to move forward with the benefit, the Liberals spent years delaying – now they’re only offering people $200 a month to get by on.

“The Liberals shouldn’t need to be forced to help people, yet they always need to be,” added Zarrillo. “Then there’s the Conservatives who would gut almost every service British Columbians rely on if they could. Pierre Poilievre voted no on making sure our kids get the food they need, and he’s been clear that he doesn’t want you to have dental care even though he’s had coverage since his 20s. Yet, when he was in government, Poilievre gave out nearly $60 billion in handouts to rich corporations.”

“With the Liberals, it’s always a delay. With the Conservatives, you see services and programs completely gutted so that more can be given to the rich. Neither option there sounds like a good one for people – but while the Liberals and Conservatives cave to CEOs, New Democrats are delivering real solutions for you and your family.”

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